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Libreria Santa Fe A P S S.R.L. (Argentina)

Main Activities: Book Stores and News Dealers | Book Publishers
Full name: Libreria Santa Fe A P S S.R.L. Profile Updated: November 27, 2024
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Libreria Santa Fe A P S S.R.L. is a bookstore located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was established in 1957 on the odd-numbered side of the block between Pueyrredón and Larrea streets. The bookstore is known for its wide selection of imported books, made possible through strong relationships with international suppliers. It also receives support from Argentine publishing companies, allowing it to meet the diverse interests of its customers. Over time, the bookstore expanded and opened new locations, all with the goal of providing excellent service to its readers.

Blvd. Santa Fe 3253
Buenos Aires (City); Federal Capital; Postal Code: C1425FFG

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