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Stolichen Avtotransport EAD (Bulgaria)

Main Activities: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit Systems | Other Urban Transit Systems | Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation
Full name: Stolichen Avtotransport EAD Profile Updated: December 17, 2024
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Stolichen Avtotransport EAD is a sole shareholder company located in Sofia, Bulgaria. It was established as a result of the transformation of the joint-stock company "SKGT - Avtotransport" AD, which had 66% municipal participation. Stolichen Avtotransport EAD is now 100% owned by Sofia Municipality. The company has a long-standing tradition in urban bus transportation in Sofia, dating back to 1935. Since 1950, it has been under the direct control of Sofia Municipality. As of the fourth quarter of 2012, Stolichen Avtotransport EAD operates 66 urban and suburban routes, with a total length of over 860 km. The company's total annual mileage for 2012 is over 33,000,000 km, with the majority being for the Metropolitan Public Transport (MPT) routes, which account for 30,463,000 km. The movement of buses on the routes is monitored in real-time using a GPS system with a reporting interval of 30 seconds. Stolichen Avtotransport EAD handles 45% of the total mileage of the entire mass urban transport in Sofia, including tram, trolleybus, metro, and other bus operators. The company is divided into three divisions and a central management unit. The three divisions, named "Zemlyane," "Malashevtsi," and "Druzhba," provide passenger transportation services on the routes of the mass urban transport within Sofia Municipality and its surroundings. The company also includes vehicle storage and maintenance, as well as operational management of the transportation process. Stolichen Avtotransport EAD operates a fleet of 563 buses, of which 558 are for the Metropolitan Public Transport. Over 400 buses move daily on the urban transport routes, with more than 210 being articulated buses. The company uses articulated buses to serve 23 urban routes with a total length of 440 km, mainly in densely populated areas and connecting major residential complexes, Central Railway Station, Central Bus Station, and local bus stations in the capital. Approximately 60% of the company's actual mileage for fulfilling transportation tasks is carried out by articulated buses. In addition to its regular production program, Stolichen Avtotransport EAD provides transportation services on tram routes that are closed for repairs, ensuring the continuity of passenger transport in Sofia. The "Zemlyane" division operates 26 routes with a total length of over 310 km. Its annual production task exceeds 13,000,000 km. The "Malashevtsi" division serves 27 routes with a total length of over 400 km. Its annual production task exceeds 12,000,000 km. The division has converted 30 buses to operate on a diesel-natural gas scheme, ready for immediate regular operation after the construction of a natural gas refueling station. The "Druzhba" division serves 12 routes and 1 separate route with a total length of over 150 km. Its annual production task exceeds 7,000,000 km. The division has a gas pipeline from the Sofia Thermal Power Plant and operates a compressor station for compressed natural gas, which is used to refuel buses. The division operates 26 buses with clean gas engines and 18 buses with dual-fuel (gas-diesel) engines. All divisions have secure garages with permanent coverage, service complexes for planned and periodic maintenance and repairs, bus wash facilities, tire fitting departments, oil and lubricant facilities, licensed points for periodic technical inspections, and more. The structure of the divisions allows each of them to work independently in fulfilling transportation tasks and ensuring the normal technical condition and management of the bus fleet. Stolichen Avtotransport EAD is a member of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) in Brussels.

Legal Address
21 Zhitnitza Str.
Sofia; Sofia - city; Postal Code: 1612

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Registered Capital:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
May 19, 1998
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Executive Director and Member of the Board of Directors
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency BGN. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net sales revenue
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Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
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Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)
Quick Ratio
Cash Ratio

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