Stroitrest N1 OAO is a construction company located in Minsk. With over 75 years of experience in the construction market, the company has successfully implemented more than 1,000 projects, including housing, industrial buildings, preschool institutions, educational schools, sports facilities, trade and culture objects, healthcare facilities, and administrative buildings. The company has a staff of over 2,250 people and possesses a wide range of construction equipment. Stroitrest N1 OAO offers construction, reconstruction, and repair services for buildings and structures of any architectural and structural complexity, as well as engineering and technological equipment. The company prides itself on its professionalism, highly educated specialists, skilled workers, and certification of activities based on quality management systems, ecology, and labor protection. They have the ability to implement any project using advanced solutions and technologies. Stroitrest N1 OAO is known for its reliability, adherence to modern quality standards, and responsibility to its customers and partners.
ул. Платонова, 15
Минск; Минская область;
Почтовый индекс: 220034
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