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Csm Siderurgica Gusa Verde Ltda. (Brazil)

Main Activities: Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing
Secondary Activities: Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products | Iron Ore Mining | Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Smelting and Refining | Iron Foundries | Steel Investment Foundries | Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut, and Bolt Manufacturing | Metal Coating, Engraving (except Jewelry and Silverware), and Allied Services to Manufacturers | Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing | Metal and Mineral (except Petroleum) Merchant Wholesalers | Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers (except Bulk Stations and Terminals) | Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers | General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance | Support Activities for Road Transportation | Waste Treatment and Disposal
Full name: Csm Siderurgica Gusa Verde Ltda. Profile Updated: December 05, 2024
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Csm Siderurgica Gusa Verde Ltda. is based in Brazil. The head office is in Maravilhas. The company operates in the Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing industry. The company was established on September 11, 2023.

Avenida Amelia de Castro Capanema 626, Santo Antonio
Maravilhas; Minas Gerais; Postal Code: 35666000

Contact Details: Purchase the Csm Siderurgica Gusa Verde Ltda. report to view the information.

Basic Information
Outstanding Shares:
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Incorporation Date:
September 11, 2023
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