Nexo - Administradora de Beneficios Ltda. is an enterprise in Brazil, with the main office in Sao Bernardo do Campo. It operates in the Other Financial Vehicles industry. The company was established on August 01, 2017. In Q3C2024, the company reported a net sales revenue drop of 16.88%. There was a total negative growth of 24.95% in Nexo - Administradora de Beneficios Ltda.’s total assets over the same period. Nexo - Administradora de Beneficios Ltda.’s net profit margin increased by 2.18% in 2024.
Rua Quinze de Agosto 28, Centro
Sao Bernardo do Campo; Sao Paulo;
Postal Code: 09721110
Contact Details: Purchase the Nexo - Administradora de Beneficios Ltda. report to view the information.
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