Rumo Malha Sul is the largest railway operator in Brazil, resulting from the merger between Rume Logística and ALL – Latin America Logistics in 2016. The company offers logistic services for rail transportation, port elevation, and warehousing, with a focus on agricultural commodities. Rumo Malha Sul operates 12 main transshipment terminals with a static storage capacity of approximately 900,000 tons, connecting Brazil through rail transport and operating in ports and terminals. The company's main target market is the agricultural sector, serving grain traders and other agricultural commodity producers. Rumo Malha Sul has been listed on the B3 at the highest level of corporate governance "New Market" since 2015.
Área Rural Rua B, N 1008, Parque Industrial, Área Rural De Rondo
Rondonópolis; Mato Grosso;
Código Postal: 78750899
Detalhes de Contato: Compre o Rumo Malha Norte S.A. relatório para visualizar as informações.
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