ENEL Distribucion Chile S.A. (Former Chilectra S.A.) is one of the main competitors in the electricity business in Chile. It started its operations in 1921, providing mainly in Santiago. After a number of merges with other related companies, the Chilean State took over the control of the company, and it was finally sold to the private sector in 1980. Nowadays, is one of the main distribution companies in the country, it serves 33 districts and more than 1.6mn customers in the Santiago metropolitan area. The firm also operates in foreign markets with electricity distribution concessions in Argentina, Peru, Brazil and Colombia. Chilectra is controlled by Spain's multinational company Endesa through subsidiary Enersis.
Roger De Flor 2725, Tower 2, Floor 10, Office 1001
Santiago; Metropolitana;
Contact Details: Purchase the ENEL Distribucion Chile S.A. report to view the information.
Website: https://www.eneldistribucion.cl
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