ENEL Generacion Chile is a Chilean power generation company, a subsidiary of Enersis and subsidiary of the Spanish company Endesa and Enel is the Italian. The main activities developed by Endesa Chile, its subsidiaries and jointly controlled companies are related to the generation and sale of electricity and, additionally, the consultancy and engineering services in all specialties. Endesa Chile and its subsidiaries operate over 179 units in four countries in Latin America, with a total installed capacity of 13,455 MW. Including the 50% of the thermal power plant Atacama, society GasAtacama joint control, it is 182 units, with an installed capacity of 13,845 MW.
Roger De Flor 2725, Tower 2, Floor 16, Office 1601
Santiago; Metropolitana;
Contact Details: Purchase the ENEL Generacion Chile S.A. report to view the information.
Website: http://www.endesa.cl
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