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Occidental Chemical - Chile S.A.I. (Chile)

Main Activities: Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing
Full name: Occidental Chemical - Chile S.A.I. Profile Updated: July 02, 2024
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Occidental Chemical - Chile S.A.I. is a company located in Providencia, Chile. The company was not incorporated on the source of the summary. The company is committed to social solidarity projects and has established a program called "Un Niño, Nuestro Compromiso" in collaboration with the National Childhood Plan and the National Plan for Overcoming Poverty. This program aims to support children from low-income backgrounds by providing them with monthly contributions for clothing, school supplies, and study materials. Currently, the company provides this assistance to children from the Talcahuano and Hualpén communities. In addition to social solidarity projects, Occidental Chemical - Chile S.A.I. is dedicated to community training and assistance. The company has established partnerships with local organizations such as neighborhood associations, municipalities, police, firefighters, schools, and universities. They have conducted leadership workshops for community leaders, provided training in areas such as computing and healthcare, and organized seminars on emergency response involving their products. The company also proposed an emergency response plan in 1995 and regularly conducts drills to ensure that the community is informed about emergency procedures. Occidental Chemical - Chile S.A.I. has received the "e-sello" recognition from the National Training and Employment Service (SENCE) on behalf of the government. This certification acknowledges the company as digitally inclusive, as they have provided the necessary conditions for all employees to have basic digital skills. The company aims to reduce the digital divide by ensuring that every worker has access to computer literacy and internet knowledge. The company also has a community advisory committee that meets regularly to provide open and timely information about the company's activities related to health, safety, and the environment. The committee includes representatives from neighborhood associations, municipalities, healthcare systems, municipal education systems, firefighters, and police. Occidental Chemical - Chile S.A.I. has a policy of openness to the community and receives over four hundred visitors each year. Formal visits must be requested by organized community groups and approved by the plant management. Visitors are provided with a guide who presents the company's processes and products, provides personal protective equipment, informs about emergency signals, and answers any questions during the tour.

Av. Nueva de Lyon No 072, Piso 10 Of 1002
Providencia; Metropolitana; Postal Code: 7510078

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