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Pimasa, Proveedora Industrial Minera Andina S.A. (Chile)

Main Activities: Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing | Mining Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
Full name: Pimasa, Proveedora Industrial Minera Andina S.A. Profile Updated: February 18, 2025
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Pimasa, Proveedora Industrial Minera Andina S.A., is a dynamic and innovative company located in Huechuraba. They believe in the importance of people and recognize that the main source of value lies in the human teams that make up the organization. Pimasa leads in providing timely solutions to technical and logistical challenges related to the productivity and sustainability of their clients in the natural resources and derivatives sector. They deliver reliability and value in their products and services. Pimasa aims to become a world-class corporation, leading in the national market and internationally, providing comprehensive products, services, and solutions to the natural resources and derivatives industry. They are a transparent, reliable, secure, and supportive company that offers integral solutions with a focus on sustainability and productivity for their clients.

Calle Nueva No 1725
Huechuraba; Metropolitana; Postal Code: 8600094

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