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Sindelen S.A. (Chile)

Main Activities: Small Electrical Appliance Manufacturing | Major Household Appliance Manufacturing
Full name: Sindelen S.A. Profile Updated: February 18, 2025
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Sindelen S.A. is a Chilean company located in La Florida. The company was incorporated in 1946 as Metalúrgica Montanari y Simonetti, initially supplying metal parts for the manufacturing of doors and windows. In 1960, the company expanded its production line to provide parts for the emerging automobile industry. In 1961, the company became a corporation and changed its name to Cimet S.A.C. Since then, Sindelen has become a leader in the stove and heater industry, with their Caluret stoves and Comet heaters being synonymous with quality. In 1976, Cimet merged with Sindelen, a prestigious white goods and appliance company, and became Cimetsindelen. The company quickly adapted to the competitive market and expanded its product lines to include refrigerators, washers, stoves, and small appliances. In 1992, the company changed its name to Sindelen S.A. and was selected to represent Chile at the Universal Exposition in Seville. Today, Sindelen is a well-recognized brand that distributes over 200 products in Chile and abroad, aiming to improve the lives of its consumers with quality products at affordable prices.

Av. Vicuna Mackenna No 9840
La Florida; Metropolitana; Postal Code: 8252443

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