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Sociedad Electrica Santiago SpA (Chile)

Main Activities: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation | Electric Power Transmission, Control, and Distribution
Full name: Sociedad Electrica Santiago SpA Profile Updated: January 17, 2025
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Sociedad Eléctrica Santiago SpA was founded in 1994 as a closed corporation primarily aimed at generating electrical energy, also to provide electricity to the city of Santiago. The company owns of AES Gener. In 1998 Electrica Santiago S.A. began operating the first power plant in the country combined cycle type: Nueva Renca of 379 MW. Today part of the current complex Renca, Renca by the plant. After cutting the gas supply from Argentina (for political and cultural problems), the plant began operating mainly diesel and gas purchased in the spot market. The company is part of the Central Interconnected System (SIC), as can accommodate a total of 479 MW installed, which is composed of Nueva Renca plant 379 MW and 100 MW of Renca plant.

Blvd. Jorge Hirmas 2964
Santiago; Metropolitana;

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Incorporation Date:
October 27, 1994
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