The Company is to deliver high-quality and cost-effective printing solutions to consumers around the world with it proprietary technology, research and development capabilities and it integrated and localized sales, logistics and service platform.
2011: The Company commenced it operations in January 2011 as a toner cartridge manufacturer through Jiangxi Yibo E-tech Co., Ltd., or Jiangxi Yibo, a limited liability company established under the laws of the PRC.
In March 2011, the Company incorporated Aster Graphics, Inc., or Aster US, a company incorporated in the State of California.
In July 2011, the Company incorporated Aster Technology Holland B.V., a company incorporated in the Netherlands as a limited liability company.
2019: On August 5, 2019, Plant Image International Limited was incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands as an exempted company with limited liability. As a result of reorganization, Planet Image International Limited became the ultimate holding company of it Company.
The Company was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on August 5, 2019 under the Cayman Islands Companies Act.
The Company image owns 100 equity interest of Aster Graphics Company Limited, Aster Industrial Limited and Lucky Knot Limited, all established as investment holding companies in the British Virgin Islands.
2022: The Company have received the approval from the Nasdaq Stock Market to list our Class A ordinary shares on the Nasdaq Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) under the symbol “YIBO.”
No. 756 Guangfu Road, Hi-Tech Development Zone
新余; 江西;
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