SANOHA LTDA. MINERIA, MEDIO - AMBIENTE Y FORESTAL is a private company that operates in the mining, forestry, energy, and environmental sectors. The company has over 25 years of experience in the exploration, exploitation, and marketing of basic minerals, as well as in the planning and execution of forest projects. They offer thermal coal in various granulometries and a granel homogenized carbon mixture, with a focus on producing and commercializing carbon with low sulfur content and ash below 10. The company has incursioned in various sectors such as dairy, cement, textiles, floricultor, wood, and energy generation. SANOHA has a widespread trajectory and knowledge in the elaboration of studies and procedures for the obtaining of mining titles and environmental licenses of mine projects.
Casa Matriz
Km 4 Via Sogamoso Nobsa
Nobsa; Boyacá;
Datos de contacto: Comprar el Sanoha Mineria, Medio Ambiente y Forestal S.A.S. informe para acceder a la información.
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