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Aqua Procon S.R.O. (Czech Republic)

Main Activities: Engineering Services
Full name: Aqua Procon S.R.O. Profile Updated: November 30, 2024
Buy our report for this company USD 29.95 Most recent financial data: 2023 Available in: English Download a sample report

Aqua Procon S.R.O is a project and engineering company specializing in water management, urban infrastructure, road, ground, and industrial buildings. They offer project and consultation activities for construction projects in the water, land, and transport sectors, with a focus on water and environmental buildings, wastewater cleansers, water treatment plants, pump stations, and electrical installations. Aqua Procon also engages in the design of water infrastructure, energy, and heat production within wastewater cleaners, and the recycling of useful, operational, and technological waters. They have gradually expanded their services to include urban and transport infrastructure, environment, land construction, and industry construction. Aqua Procon uses technologies such as BIM, common data environment, mathematical modeling, digital twins, mixed and expanded reality, and GIS to provide comprehensive, professional, and quality services to their customers and investors.

Palackeho trida 768/12
Brno; Jihomoravsky; Postal Code: 61200

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Basic Information
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Incorporation Date:
July 14, 1992
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AP PLAN s.r.o.
Ap Investing, S.R.O.
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