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Strojmetal Aluminium Forging A.S. (Czech Republic)

Main Activities: Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
Full name: Strojmetal Aluminium Forging A.S. Profile Updated: December 15, 2024
Buy our report for this company USD 29.95 Most recent financial data: 2023 Available in: English Download a sample report

Strojmetal Aluminium Forging A.S. is a company located in Kamenice, near Prague. It has a history dating back to 1822 when Josef Ringhoffer established a copper foundry. In 1940, the production was expanded to include the forging of aluminum alloys. Currently, the company manufactures forged chassis parts for leading global automotive brands with the highest demands for strength and durability. It also offers customized solutions in the decorative and industrial sectors. With its nearly 200-year history, Strojmetal Aluminium Forging is one of the oldest manufacturing plants in the Czech Republic. The company continuously develops and modernizes its operations. In addition to traditional forging presses and hammers, it has built 8 automated forging lines operated by a total of 111 robots. The company also utilizes high-performance CNC machining centers and other modern specialized technologies for further processing of forgings. Strojmetal Aluminium Forging has its own research and development department, a design department, a diagnostic center, and a center for the development of superconducting materials on its premises. Thanks to the know-how generated here, the company is able to keep up with the absolute world leaders in the production of aluminum parts for the automotive industry. The company's success is not only due to its modern technologies but also its visionary leadership, which invests almost all of its profits into development. Employees also play a significant role in the company's success. To support their development, the company has established a training center where employees learn programming for robots and CNC machines, develop their managerial skills, language proficiency, and regularly meet with the company's management to discuss results, plans, and any relevant news.

Ringhofferova 66
Kamenice; Stredocesky; Postal Code: 25168

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Registered Capital:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
May 28, 1998
Key Executives
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Chairman of the Board of Directors
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Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
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Member of the Board of Directors
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Chairman of the Supervisory Board
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Vice-chair of the Supervisory Board
Ownership Details
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Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency USD. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Total operating revenue
Operating Profit Margin (ROS)
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)
Cash Ratio

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