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Lagermax Logistics Croatia d.o.o. (Croatia)

Main Activities: Other Support Activities for Transportation
Full name: Lagermax Logistics Croatia d.o.o. Profile Updated: September 04, 2023
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Lagermax Lagerhaus und Speditions is a logistics company that specializes in providing customized industry solutions for B2B and B2C, including services, processes, on-time delivery, and picking and packing. The company offers storage facilities for personal and company items, as well as international overnight express delivery solutions within the CEE. Lagermax Lagerhaus und Speditions also develops transport, storage, and quarantine boxes for different battery sizes and specializes in logistics solutions across the entire battery supply chain throughout Europe. It has branches in Austria and Eastern Europe and is a member of ESLA, offering cross-border overnight express solutions across Europe.

Zagorske Magistrale 16 Str.
Luka; Postal Code: 10297

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Incorporation Date:
January 01, 2000
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