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PT Grahaexcel Plastindo (Indonesia)

Main Activities: All Other Plastics Product Manufacturing
Full name: PT Grahaexcel Plastindo Profile Updated: November 25, 2024
Buy our report for this company USD 29.95 Most recent financial data: 2023 Available in: English Download a sample report

Pt Grahaexcel Plastindo is an Indonesian-based manufacturer specializing in Roto-moulding, Blow Moulding, and Co-extrusion technologies to produce a variety of products, including healthy drinking water tanks, home garden covers, uPVC roofs, and septic tanks. The company prioritizes health in its manufacturing process and uses premium materials such as AISI 304 Stainless Steel and HMW-HDPE plastic. Pt Grahaexcel Plastindo offers a range of products designed for maximum safety and resilience, including the Excel Crystal Series Healthy Water Tank and the BioSeptic Tank. The company also provides specialized chemical and chemistry standard tanks and emphasizes the importance of safe and durable colors for water and food storage. Pt Grahaexcel Plastindo's products are equipped with FDA-approved certificates and are designed to withstand weather changes and reduce the impact of ultraviolet radiation. The company's target market includes customers in need of high-quality water and chemical storage solutions.

Jl. Mangga Besar Raya No. 4DD
West Jakarta; Jakarta; Postal Code: 11180

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Incorporation Date:
November 07, 1990
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Key Financial Highlights
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