KENT RO Systems is a company in the healthcare industry. The company offers a range of products including induction cooktops, vacuum cleaners, pressure cookers, water purifiers, air purifiers, vegetable and fruit cleaners, and kitchen appliances. KENT RO Systems uses technologies such as RO, UV, UF, TDS Control, and Ozone Disinfection to ensure the purity and safety of water and air. The company claims to have a strong network of dealers throughout India and aims to provide customers with a good experience. KENT RO Systems has a focus on providing solutions to protect people from harmful diseases and is recognized for its innovation, quality, and certified performance.
Legal Address
H-35, South Extension -Part1 Kidwai Nagar
South Delhi; Delhi;
Postal Code: 110049
Contact Details: Purchase the Kent R O Systems Limited report to view the information.
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