Prathima Infrastructure Ltd. is a public company located in Hyderabad, India. It was incorporated on December 24, 1991, and is registered at the Registrar of Companies in Hyderabad. The company is involved in the construction and development of infrastructure, specializing in road constructions, civil building works, and bridges constructions. Prathima Infrastructure Ltd. has an authorized share capital of Rs. 30,000,000 and a paid-up capital of Rs. 26,361,610. The company's directors are Srinivas Rao Boinipally, Usha Rani Boinipally, and Savithri Icchapurapu. Its Corporate Identification Number is U45200TG1991PLC013599. The company's email address is, and its registered address is PRATHIMA, JUBILEE HILLS PLOT NO. 213, ROAD NO.1, FILM NAGAR, HYDERABAD, Telangana. Prathima Infrastructure Ltd. is currently active and has reported operating revenues of over INR 500 crore for the financial year ending on March 31, 2022.
Prathima Jubilee Hills Plot No. 213 Road No.1 Film Nagar Hyderabad In-Ts In 500096
Hyderabad; Telangana;
Postal Code: 500096
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