Sepah Investment Company (Public Stock) is a company located in Tehran, Iran. It was established on 02/06/1370 as a public stock and began its official operations in October of the same year. The company was admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange on 10/19/1371 and its shares were first traded on 12/26/1371. Sepah Investment Company is part of the Omid Investment Management Group and operates in the capital market. Its main activities include investing in shares, investment units of funds, and other securities. The company also invests in muskets, precious metals, bank deposit certificates, and investment deposits with authorized banks and financial institutions. Additionally, Sepah Investment Company invests in other assets such as physical assets, production projects, and real estate. It provides services related to the securities market, including accepting positions in investment funds, providing financing and securities market, participating in underwriting obligations, and guaranteeing liquidity.
Nelson Mandela Africa Boulevard - Above Mirdamad, Anahita S Impasse No 18, P.O Box : 14335-775
Tehran; Tehran;
Postal Code: 1917644151
Contact Details: Purchase the Sepah Investment Company Public Joint Stock report to view the information.
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