Brivais vilnis ASis located on the right bank of the Salaca river, on the east cost of Riga Bay. Distance to Riga – 100 km.
Back in 1949, a fisher collective farm “Brivais vilnis” was established in Salacgriva based on the decision passed by the Fishing Industry Ministry of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1992 the fisher collective farm was transformed into a joint stock company and became one of the largest and financially most stable fish processing companies in the Baltics. Brivais vilnis AS is the first company in the Baltics to obtain compliance certification of EU Directive 91/493/EEC which permits the company to exports goods to EU member states.
Ostas iela 1
Salacgrīva; Salacgrīvas novads;
Почтовый индекс: LV-4033
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