The joint stock company "Saldus mezrupnieciba" ranks among the 5 biggest companies in logging amount. Since 2003 the company is looking for the possibility to work outside the territory of Latvia.
The company owns more than 1000 ha forest land, as well as has signed a logging agreement with VAS "Latvijas Valsts Mezi" until the year 2094 about forest exploitation with the total area of 40000 ha. The company is carrying out a full forest management cycle in its estates, as well as providing services for individuals and legal entities.
Kuldigas iela 86C
Saldus; Saldus novads;
Почтовый индекс: LV-3801
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите PATA Saldus AS отчет .
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