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Empresa Agroindustrial Tuman S.A.A. (Peru)

Main Activities: Sugarcane Farming | Cane Sugar Manufacturing
Full name: Empresa Agroindustrial Tuman S.A.A. Profile Updated: November 28, 2024
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Empresa Agroindustrial Tuman S.A.A. was established in March 1996, after carrying out a referendum that determined the change in its business model, transforming its former name of Cooperative Agraria Azucarera Tuman to Empresa Agroindustrial Tuman. Agroindustrial Tuman, is engaged mainly in the cultivation of sugar cane and other products derived from it, which together are processed industrially, to be commercialized domestically and abroad. The company has been listed on the Lima Stock Exchange since 1997. It has its production plant in Lambayque, with Trapiche, Boilers, Power, Production, Refinery, Warehouse, etc.

Av. Brasil Nu. 2208, Pueblo Libre
Lima; Lima;

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Basic Information
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Outstanding Shares:
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Incorporation Date:
February 20, 1997
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Key Financial Highlights
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