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Financiera Confianza S.A.A. (Peru)

Main Activities: Other Depository Credit Intermediation
Secondary Activities: Consumer Lending
Full name: Financiera Confianza S.A.A. Profile Updated: November 28, 2024
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Financiera Confianza S.A.A. is a leading microfinance institution in Peru. It was formed through the merger of Caja Nuestra Gente, which acquired Caja Rural NorPerú, Caja Rural del Sur, and Edpyme Crear Tacna, and the former Financiera Confianza. With almost 30 years of experience in the sector and a nationwide coverage of over 1,250 service points, the company reached over 731,000 clients in 2021, including around 250,000 entrepreneurs who accessed credit products. Financiera Confianza is part of the Fundación Microfinanzas BBVA, which operates in five countries in Latin America and serves over 2.7 million clients globally. The foundation has provided over $16 billion in loans to vulnerable entrepreneurs through its group of entities. It operates independently from BBVA Group and reinvests its profits into its own activities without any financial return for BBVA.

Calle Las Begonias 441, Interior 238, Edificio Plaza Del Sol, San Isidro
Lima; Lima;

Contact Details: Purchase the Financiera Confianza S.A.A. report to view the information.


Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Registered Capital:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
October 11, 1994
Key Executives
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President of the Board Directors
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Vice President
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Executive Director
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Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency PEN. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net interest income
Net fee and commission income
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Deposits from customers
Total equity
Total Assets Trend
Net Interest Income Trend
Cost to Income Ratio
Loans to Deposits Ratio
Loans to Asset Ratio

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