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Alstom Zwus Sp. z o.o. (Poland)

Main Activities: Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing
Full name: Alstom Zwus Sp. z o.o. Profile Updated: June 01, 2024
Buy our report for this company USD 29.95 Most recent financial data: 2021 Available in: English & Polish Download a sample report

Alstom Zwus Sp. z o.o. is a company located in Katowice, Poland. With over 25 years of operation in the country, it is the largest producer in Poland's railway industry. The company employs more than 4000 people across 9 sites in Poland. Alstom has a rich industrial heritage, with its sites having a presence for 180 years in Wrocław, 150 years in Chorzów, and 100 years in Katowice. Alstom is recognized as the only company in Poland's rail transport industry to be awarded a Top Employer Certificate in 2020, 2021, and 2022. This certification highlights the company's commitment to best HR practices in line with international standards. The company specializes in developing and marketing mobility solutions that lay the groundwork for low-emission transportation in the future. One of its notable products is the Coradia iLint train, which is the world's first hydrogen-powered train proven to be operational in commercial settings. Please note that the source of the summary does not provide information on the incorporation date, specific history, customers, or main markets of Alstom Zwus Sp. z o.o.

Ul. Modelarska 12
Katowice; Slaskie; Postal Code: 40-142

Contact Details: Purchase the Alstom Zwus Sp. z o.o. report to view the information.


Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Registered Capital:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
February 27, 2002
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