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Arsenal Dystrybucja Pl Sp. z o.o. sp. k. (Poland)

Main Activities: Dairy Product (except Dried or Canned) Merchant Wholesalers
Full name: Arsenal Dystrybucja Pl Sp. z o.o. sp. k. Profile Updated: December 22, 2020
Buy our report for this company USD 19.99 Most recent financial data: 2019 Available in: English & Polish Download a sample report

Arsenal Dystrybucja Pl Sp. z o.o. sp. k is a Polish company that imports and distributes professional fats for the confectionary, bakery, and industrial sectors. The company's main focus is on serving clients in the food industry, particularly confectionery and soft drink companies. Arsenal Dystrybucja PL offers a range of raw materials and agricultural commodities to its target market. It is part of Bunge, a company that supplies agricultural commodities worldwide.

Ul. Przedzalniana 6H
Bialystok; Podlaskie; Postal Code: 15-688

Contact Details: Purchase the Arsenal Dystrybucja Pl Sp. z o.o. sp. k. report to view the information.


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Purchase the Arsenal Dystrybucja Pl Sp. z o.o. sp. k. report to view the information.
Incorporation Date:
November 06, 2017
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