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Colorato Sp. z o.o. (Poland)

Main Activities: Home Furnishings Stores | Household Appliance Stores
Full name: Colorato Sp. z o.o. Profile Updated: February 17, 2021
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Colorato Sp. z o.o is a company that focuses on children's furniture, emphasizing safety, comfort, aesthetics, and durability. Their product line includes desks, beds, and tables, with a specialization in floor beds and an emphasis on affordability. The company uses myel in its furniture design. The target market for their products is children and youth, and the company claims to be responsive to customer needs and latest trends.

Ul. Drewsa 23
Poznan; Wielkopolskie; Postal Code: 61-606

Contact Details: Purchase the Colorato Sp. z o.o. report to view the information.


Basic Information
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Incorporation Date:
May 12, 2010
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