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Czuchnowski David sp. k. (Poland)

Main Activities: Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing
Full name: Czuchnowski David sp. k. Profile Updated: September 15, 2022
Buy our report for this company USD 19.99 Most recent financial data: 2019 Available in: English & Polish Download a sample report

Czuchnowski David sp. k is a company that designs, manufactures, and supplies hyperbaric chambers and systems for medical, diving, and training purposes. They offer a range of products, including single-person mobile chambers, decompression specialist chambers, and hyperbaric chambers for medical applications. Czuchnowski David sp. k also provides design solutions for hyperbaric oxygen centers, including chamber, technical room, and subsystem layouts. They claim to have developed chambers that meet European standards and are used in hospitals, clinics, and professional diving centers worldwide. Additionally, the company offers hyperbaric medical training and rescue chambers.

Ul. Zielna 3
Marcinkowice; Dolnoslaskie; Postal Code: 55-200

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Incorporation Date:
April 06, 2018
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