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Imfitex Jerzy Jarawka sp. j. (Poland)

Main Activities: Plastics Product Manufacturing
Full name: Imfitex Jerzy Jarawka sp. j. Profile Updated: September 08, 2020
Buy our report for this company USD 19.99 Most recent financial data: 2020 Available in: English & Polish Download a sample report

Imfitex Jerzy Jarawka sp. j is a company specializing in the manufacturing of industrial installations and devices from thermoplastic plastics. They offer a range of products and solutions including cylindrical and rectangular storage containers, air purification systems, ventilation solutions, air cleansing equipment, fire zincing services, and passivation. Imfitex Jerzy Jarawka sp. j. is known for their expertise in the construction of plastic installations and the development of documentation, execution, delivery, and assembly of technological installations. They are authorized to manufacture, modernize, and install industrial installations made of thermoplasts, and also offer solutions for the removal of aerosols from flowing gases and gas pipes. The company's products are designed to work in harsh environmental conditions and are resistant to most corrosive factors. Imfitex Jerzy Jarawka sp. j. offers process containers for various industries, including ion exchange facilities and sedimentation tanks, and is known for their expertise in the design and assembly of industrial facilities made of thermoplastics.

Ul. Szkolna 15
Kedzierzyn-Kozle; Opolskie; Postal Code: 47-225

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Incorporation Date:
November 25, 2003
Key Executives
Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency PLN. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net sales revenue
Total operating revenue
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Total equity
Operating Profit Margin (ROS)
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)
Debt to Equity Ratio
Quick Ratio
Cash Ratio

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