Red App Sp. z o.o. is based in Poland, with the head office in Pszow. The enterprise currently operates in the Materials Recovery Facilities sector. It was established on April 27, 2015. Red App Sp. z o.o. currently employs 1 (2015) people. There was a net sales revenue drop of 61.1% reported in Red App Sp. z o.o.’s latest financial highlights for 2023. There was a total growth of 14.35% in Red App Sp. z o.o.’s total assets over the same period. Red App Sp. z o.o.’s net profit margin increased by 4.21% in 2023.
Ul. Niepodleglosci 59
Pszow; Slaskie;
Postal Code: 44-370
Contact Details: Purchase the Red App Sp. z o.o. report to view the information.
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