SOEX (ANO “SOYUZEXPERTIZA CCI RFâ€) (ANO “SOYUZEXPERTIZA CCI RFâ€) is a Russian company. It operates in the expert services market, focusing on monitoring the quality of anti-covering and anti-ice vehicles for the road and aviation industries. The company offers a wide range of inspection and certification services for various products and industries, including the agro sector, nuclear fuel production, and industrial equipment. SOEX (ANO “SOYUZEXPERTIZA CCI RFâ€) has representations in major cities and ports of Russia and claims to comply with international standards and industry requirements, including ISO certifications.
Малая Дмитровка, 13/17, 1
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 125375
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите АНО Союзэкспертиза ТПП Рф отчет .
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