Altair Sm OOO is a company that is a dealer of grain cutting equipment from agricultural equipment manufacturers, supplying agricultural equipment, spare parts, and service services to farms in the south of Russia. The company offers a wide range of agricultural equipment, including grain cutting machines, front loaders, telescopic loaders, and tractors. Altair Sm OOO has 15 branches in the Rostov region, Krasnodar, and Stavropol districts, serving over 6,500 clients of different scales and forms of property. They are a dealer of RAPTOR self-driving sprayers in the south of Russia and offer a full range of original lubricants for agricultural equipment. The company also provides a wide range of guarantee and post-guarantial service services for all kinds of agricultural equipment and equipment. Their mission is to be an expert in agricultural technologies and machines, providing professional solutions for customers and suppliers.
Им Шукшина, 1
Зерноград; Ростовская область;
Почтовый индекс: 347740
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