Arhangelskii Avtotsentr Kamaz OOO is an enterprise in the Arkhangelsk region, specializing in the repair and maintenance of KAMAZ trucks and accessories. They offer technical maintenance, guarantee service, ongoing repair, capital repairs of engines, and other services. The company is an official dealer for the implementation of equipment from various manufacturers and provides a quality guarantee for all KAMAZ vehicle equipment. They have a highly qualified and trained staff and offer a wide range of cargo equipment, including cargo cars, buses, engines, power units, and tools.
Первый (Кузнечихинский Промузел), 15
Архангельск; Архангельская область;
Почтовый индекс: 163045
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Архангельский Автоцентр Камаз ООО отчет .
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