Arman OOO is a company that develops and implements lighting systems for industrial, civil, and residential facilities. The company offers a range of lighting equipment, including LED projectors, supports, crowns, and matches for various applications. Arman's customers are companies operating in industries such as electricity, petroleum and gas, chemistry, metallurgy, and atomic industries. The company has experience working with industrial enterprises in Russia and the CIS countries, providing reliable and energy-saving lighting solutions. Arman's products are designed to meet the requirements of specialists and are supported by partners, including manufacturers and suppliers of professional lighting solutions. The company focuses on providing reliable lighting equipment and planned lighting solutions to save electricity costs. Arman's lighting systems are designed to create safe and efficient lighting conditions for various industrial and residential areas.
Запорожская, 12, 1, 3/1
Санкт-Петербург; Санкт-Петербург;
Почтовый индекс: 192012
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