Arsp OAO specializes in the production and leasing of road equipment and the manufacture of asphalt-beton mixtures. The company has developed technologies for creating polished leather covering of lithos asfalt and producing colorful asparton mixtures. Arsp OAO offers a wide range of mixtures that meet modern regulatory requirements and can produce mixtures of any color. The company has two asphalt concrete plants and is equipped to produce lithium asphalt throughout the year. Arsp OAO has also developed and successfully applied the technology of preparation of lithium asphalt concrete mixture, which can be used for various construction and maintenance purposes.
Серебрякова, 21, 1
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 129343
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Арсп АО отчет .
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