Aktsionernaya VneshneEconomicheskaya Kompaniya Exima ZAO is an agricultural and commercial company. It is a food producer and supplier, specializing in meat, milk, dairy products, potatoes, vegetables, and other goods. The company operates in meat processing, food sales, pig genetics, and CSR. Exima supplies over 500 thousand tons of food products annually and has a program for the development of Russian pork and meat livestock until 2025. The company has a meat processing enterprise, a genetic center, and its own comb food plants. It also has agricultural enterprises for grain, potatoes, and vegetables, and is involved in dairy livestock production. The company is a participant in the State Programme for Agriculture Development until 2020 and has gained authority in domestic and external commodity markets.
Скатертный, 5
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 121069
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Авк Эксима ЗАО отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://exima.ru
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