Biolink Solyushens OOO is a company in the Russian biometric market. The company offers biometric solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises, large-scale identification projects, and specific business processes. Their products, including biometric USB fingerprint scanners and optical scanning technology, are used in industries such as banking, airports, trade, service companies, health, and education. Biolink Solyushens OOO has developed a range of hardware and software solutions, including the BioTime Biometric Working Time Accounting and Access Control System, BioLink AMIS Automated Multi-Biometric Information System, and the BioLink SDK Applied Biometric Solutions Developer. The company provides biometric solutions for information protection, access control, and mass identification.
Авангардная, 3, II/5/1504
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 125493
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Биолинк Солюшенс ООО отчет .
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