Biznes Kar Kuzbass OOO is a company in the automotive industry, specializing in the sale and service of Toyota cars, spare parts, and accessories. They offer a wide range of technical fluids and oils for regular maintenance of Toyota vehicles. The company provides a variety of models including sedans, off-road cars, minivans, and pickups, and offers quality customer service. Biznes Kar Kuzbass OOO has developed a vehicle protection technology to reduce the likelihood of vehicle theft and verify the originality of components for secondary market buyers. They also offer a special insurance program for Toyota car owners. The company targets customers in need of automotive products and services and generates revenue through the sale of cars, spare parts, accessories, and technical fluids.
Тухачевского, 40, 1
Кемерово; Кемеровская область;
Почтовый индекс: 650070
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