Baltpromremservis OOO, based in St. Petersburg, Russia, was established 12 years ago. The company produces a wide range of air filtering elements for various industrial facilities and enterprises, including coal filters, filtering gloves, cartridges, cassets, and other filter patterns. Their products cater to industries such as shipping, natural gas transportation, oil and gas, electricity production, cellulose and paper, petroleum processing, steel industry, wood processing, construction, metallurgy, and woodworking. Baltpromremservis OOO is involved in the "Import Replacement" program in Russia and has developed and utilized various technologies for air filtration, including coal filtering elements, nylon filters, and polyester filters. Their main business activities include the manufacturing and supply of air filtering elements for industrial use.
Б/Н, 4Н Лит.Ар
Колпино; Санкт-Петербург;
Почтовый индекс: 196650
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