Canon Ru is a digital software developer. The company offers solutions for working with images, including software development, professional video equipment, and binocles. They also provide hardware, software, and support for various sectors such as manufacturing, infrastructure, and healthcare. Canon Ru's range of products includes printers, cameras, lenses, and accessories, as well as managed printing processes and solutions. They also offer support services, including repair and maintenance, for professional and semi-professional photographers and videographers. Canon Ru is known for its innovative technologies and high-quality products in the digital imaging industry.
2-Й Сыромятнический, 1, 1/1
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 105120
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Профили компаний EMIS являются частью более крупной информационной службы, которая объединяет данные о компаниях, промышленности и странах, а также анализ по более чем 125 развивающимся рынкам.
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