Center Tary Liteishtik OOO is a manufacturer of polymer multi-wheel tape behind Ural. The company offers plastic products such as plastic boxes, containers, and packaging for various industries including bread, milk products, industrial production, fish, pharmaceutical products, vegetables, fruits, and waste storage. They also provide additional services such as corporate colors, application of logos, tagging, string codes, and RFID labels. Center Tary Liteishtik OOO is the official distributor of "Ay-Plast," a leader of large-scale cartridges in Russia. The company has a park of modern thermal plastics and press forms, enabling them to provide customers with a wide range of plastic tanks, large-scale containers, waste containers, storage systems, and palettes.
Станционная, 30А
Новосибирск; Новосибирская область;
Почтовый индекс: 630108
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