Dmitrogorskii Myasopererabatyvayushtii Zavod OOO is a producer of dairy and meat products, with a network of 110 stores. They offer a wide range of their own products, supplemented by accompanying products from reliable partners. The company has a closed production cycle from the field to the drawing, ensuring quality control at every stage of the production process. They are also involved in the development and development of agriculture and food industry, and have ranked 6th in the national ranking of pig producers. The company has a meat processing plant and a milk factory, and is actively expanding and opening new stores. They have also developed their own logistics enterprise with an extensive park of cars and special equipment. The company claims to have a strong presence in the APC sector and participates in international exhibitions. They have also begun the construction of Russia's largest innovative meat processing complex. The company has a team of specialists and aims to increase the population of cattle to 1600 heads. They have a strong focus on the development of livestock farms and feed crops, and have achieved the first place in production of raw milk in the region.
Дмитрова Гора
Тверская область; Тверская область;
Почтовый индекс: 171290
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Дмитрогорский Мясоперерабатывающий Завод ООО отчет .
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