Expertno-Proizvodstvennyi Center Truboprovodservis OOO is a petroleum chemical industry specializing in the oil and gas sector. It offers services for technical state inspection of petroleum recharge stations, reservoir assessment, and industrial safety expertise. The company has expertise in plans for localization and elimination of emergency situations and has worked on over 500 projects in the chemical and petroleum processing industries. Their main target market includes leading enterprises in the fuel energy complex and the oil processing complex of the Republic of Basharakhstan. The company is equipped with modern computer printing technology and licensing software.
Российская, 33/4
Уфа; Башкортостан Республика;
Почтовый индекс: 450104
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Эпц Трубопроводсервис ООО отчет .
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