Hl Kemikals AO operates in the chemical industry, focusing on oil processing, rubber, ginseng, color, ceramic, and cable segments. The company manufactures motor oils and other materials for the oil processing industry, and also trades on the chemical market. They have their own production and offer products from raw materials on an exclusive dealer or distributor basis. The company's number of employees and revenue are not available.
Мытная, 1, 1, 8 Пом I Ком 7 7А 8-14 13А 14А
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 119049
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Хл Кемикалс АО отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://clchemicals.ru
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