Ilplast OOO is a company that produces polyethylene packaging for various industries such as food, furniture, cardboard and paper, agriculture, and construction. They offer polyethylene packaging tape, PVD packages, PNDs, and thermo-setting film. The company uses high-quality primary raw materials and modern equipment to ensure product quality. Ilplast OOO serves consumers in the domestic market and the CIS countries, offering wholesale supplies of polyethylene packages, greenhouse, thermal plants, and other polyethylene products to all regions of Russia. They have a four-section printing machine for flexprinting and certified production of polyethylene thermal planting film. The company is equipped with quality and reliable equipment from domestic and foreign manufacturers.
Автозаводская, 7
Ижевск; Удмуртская Республика;
Почтовый индекс: 426068
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Ильпласт ООО отчет .
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