ITProtect is an IT company specializing in implementing information security solutions, including audit, compliance, and protection of personal data processing. ITProtect offers a wide range of IT solutions from over 50 vendors to ensure information security at all levels, with a focus on network architecture, anti-virus protection, and protection against network attacks. The company has implemented over 100 projects and holds necessary certificates and licenses from the main regulators in the field of information protection. ITProtect's target market includes state structures, large financial organizations, retailers, pharmaceutical companies, transport, and industrial enterprises.
Большая Переяславская, 46, 2, 4
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 129110
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Профили компаний EMIS являются частью более крупной информационной службы, которая объединяет данные о компаниях, промышленности и странах, а также анализ по более чем 125 развивающимся рынкам.
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