Issinskii Kombinat Stroitelnyh Materialov OOO, founded in 1966, is headquartered in the Penzen Region, Isin District, r.p. Issa. The company claims to have more than 100 employees and focuses on the construction materials market, targeting construction and agricultural complex enterprises, and the agro-industrial industry. Their main business activities include the manufacturing and sale of peanut butter, mineral powder, dolomite wheat, and transportation services. Issinskii Kombinat Stroitelnyh Materialov OOO offers products such as flavonoid grain, mineral powder, dolomite flour, clay, mineral fertilizers, ceramzite, and shell rubber.
Исса, Горная, 110А
Исса; Пензенская область;
Почтовый индекс: 442710
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Иссинский Ксм ООО отчет .
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