Kamennyi Poyas OOO is a company that specializes in the production of small sculptures and clay products, utilizing technologies for the production of art lithium from chicken, bronze, and aluminum with galvanic cover. The company offers approximately 1,000 products, including portrait, genre, and animist sculptures, as well as traditional and new works of decorative and applied art. Kamennyi Poyas OOO has a team of sculpture masters and is known for preserving the tradition and creative variation in the process of fragile and raw forming.
1 Мая, 41/2
Касли; Челябинская область;
Почтовый индекс: 456832
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Каменный Пояс ООО отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://kaslinskoe.ru
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