Karamelli OOO is a Russian company that has been in the wholesale market for over 30 years, specializing in the manufacturing and retailing of children's clothing. The company operates a network of 25 brand retail stores in Moscow and the Moscow region, offering stylish and adjustable clothing for children and adolescents. Karamelli's products are made from natural fabrics such as tricotage, cotton, and denim, and the company's designers produce 4 capsule collections a year. With over 360 employees, Karamelli has its own full-cycle production equipped with modern equipment.
Комсомольский, 16/2, 11, 1 Пом I Ком 1-3
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 119021
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Карамелли ООО отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://karamelli.ru
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